The Theory Behind
Simple Surveys

Why traditional surveys are failing your club

Like most clubs, yours probably sends out an annual survey TRYING to assess how happy and loyal your members are. But annual surveys just don’t work and here’s why – they make too many mistakes.

Surveys are TOO long

Surveys are
TOO long

Surveys aren’t sent in a timely fashion

Surveys aren’t
sent in a timely fashion

Results go nowhere

Results go

We created MemberInsight because we knew there was a better way

The Net Promoter System (NPS)

One. Simple. Question.

Step 1:
Create & Send Automated Surveys

MemberInsight works by sending a one question survey asking members:

"What is the likelihood that you would recommend 'x'
to someone you know?"

Step 2:
Collect Member Feedback

Using a 1-10 Rating Scale, we can determine



Scores of 6 and below

Unhappy members who are ‘at risk’ and spread the majority of the bad word-of-mouth



Scores of 7 and 8

Satisfied but unenthusiastic members who can be easily wooed by the competition



Scores of 9 and 10

Loyal members who keep buying from a company and urge friends to do the same

Step 3:
Follow Up With Members

When your club turns information into action, not only do you correct problems as they occur, but you elevate your whole club’s service levels. Ultimately, MemberInsight helps turn your existing members into your biggest marketing asset – PROMOTERS!

Take a test spin!